Use Record Overview for context about any contact, lead or custom record type lickety-split!
Record Overview is your home base for any of your contacts, leads or other custom records in Dooly. You'll see all the key fields, upcoming meetings, note history, and more, all in one place.
Note: Record Overviews are not available for Opportunity or Account records. Check out our DealSpace and AccountSpace articles to learn more on how you can access this great planning tool!
How to find Record Overview in Dooly 👀
Find a Record Overview by clicking on the name of a contact, lead, or custom object record in your pipeline view OR click on a record from search results.
Insights available in Record Overview
⚡️ Key fields
Easily access and update Salesforce fields related to your record.
🗓️ Meetings
Easily see any upcoming meetings that anyone on your team is having related to this record.
🗒 Notes
Get quick access to the deal or account narrative and see all historical notes in one place.
Pro tip: click on the three dots and enable Show related notes to see the related account, opp, contact, and lead notes in this list too.
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